Customer Service

Order Processing

Please allow 24-36 hours to process your order. We do not ship on weekends. Occasionally items may be oversold. If an item is sold out, you will be notified via email or telephone. You can choose to wait on the back-ordered item or the item can be voided and the purchase amount refunded. Please note, for purchases outside the united States, your bank may charge an international processing.


We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and PayPal. We do not accept cash or check.


We accept returns of any of our items clothing, hair or accessories that is unworn and still fitted with all security tags and labels if the wrong item or size was originally sent. For wigs we will only accept return of wigs whose laces have not been trimmed as evidence that it has not be worn if the wig sent is different from what was original ordered. Returns must be initiated within 3 working days of receiving the item.
We will not accept returns for items after the 3 day period mentioned above. If you try to make a return, we may have to send it back to your default delivery address and ask you to cover the shipping costs.
Please send us your proof of return via email . Your proof of return should include the shipping and tracking details of the returned item( Also note that only items that have been received can be processed for returns.

Return address

22 Alhaji Musa Ibraheem Street ,
Idimu, Lagos,

Processing of Returns

Once we receive your return, we shall then proceed to process it. Upon receipt it takes about 3-5 working days to process your return. All refunds will be credited back to the original purchaser's credit card.
PLEASE NOTE: Items purchased during a sale, or at a discounted prices cannot be returned as these items are bought as is .This is non-negotiable. Upon purchasing you agree to these terms.


We do not offer direct exchanges at this time.


All orders ship Monday - Friday. Domestic orders will ship via DHL and international orders will ship via DHL or Lithuanian Post. You are able to select your shipping cost and options at the time of checkout. Upon shipping, you will receive a tracking number and confirmation outlining the details of your order. Please contact us if you have any questions about your order by email or telephone at 1-800-OLONAGIRL.